Monday, April 30, 2012

Farewell to a GPPSD Icon

Over the course of the last two weeks I've had the opportunity to attend two separate retirement functions for one of our district's senior administrators.  The retirement of Dr. Roger Mestinsek, GPPSD deputy superintendent, was celebrated locally at Crystal Park School and again in Edmonton at the College of Alberta School Superintendents retirement banquet.

Roger (center, in the picture above, with CASS Executive Director Kath Rhyason and CASS President Roger Nippard) was recognized at both events for his wisdom, his commitment to students and our district/system, and just generally for the excellence with which he met his expectations while employed for the Grande Prairie Public School District for 38 years.

I have had the pleasure of working with Roger for almost half of my career with the district and I've learned an incredible amount and seen first hand the positive impact he has had leading staff and students.

Among the many pieces of East Coulee Advice Roger has shared over the years, his words to live by from the CASS retirement banquet are worthy of sharing with our students:  "Find something you love to do, and find someone to pay you to do it!"

I know that I am not alone in being thankful for the opportunity to have worked with Roger and as he leaves to explore new interests in the field of education I know too I speak for everyone as we wish him all the very best!

Good luck Rog!

1 comment:

SaskaDad said...

All of my experiences with Roger were very positive. I, too, wish him all the best.

Great tribute post Sandy.